Monday, November 17, 2008

Reflections on Discrimination in the workplace

I have some pretty harsh and conflicting views on this one. I mean, if your gay, that isn't really the normal mainstream thing, and being programmed for one gender in our anatomy as we are, those who step outside the box in terms of gender relations are offen frowned apon, wierd and strange, dirty.

Racism I don't tolerate, but at the same time, everyoen has their staples. there are good and bad peopel everywhere, that's a pretty general thing, but I think peopel shoudl be given the benefit of the doubt, until they act like a jackass.

Sexism, I dunno, in this day and age never really comes across to me. It only ever occurs if you run into some jockish last generation asshole. We can't really mence words here, people are what they act, and if they act like jerks, I'll give them that status in writing.

In terms of all this and the workforce, racism and homophobic I can see happening in certain industries, the common belief that aboriginals are dirty and have so self respect or heigeine, would be a task for them to get a job in hospitality. As very close minded as this is, it's an ongoing fact, and I aknowledge it.

Sexism, I dunno, these days you'd have to be really proud and prominent of your own sexual gender to cause a schism with other people. I think most who claim sexist descrimination are themselves projecting their own form of sexist double standard.

No ones a saint in this planet.

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