Saturday, July 26, 2008

Skills Audit


Dane Brennand


Self taught in Photoshop CS2 and CS3, advanced user, texture painting, matte painting and design

Self taught in Autodesk Maya 8, 3DsMax 8, Bodypaint 3D and Mudbox

Other Qualifications

Next gen material set ups, rendering occlusion maps, normal maps, coloured specular maps and mask bitmaps


II Cert 2, self taught digitally

Significant Life Experiences

Sister died in 07, work with the most well known mod team for Halo: Custom Edition, and currently a texture artist for Warm Gun, an Unreal Tournament 3 mod

Things you really like

Texture painting, rendering, drawing, concept design, guitar, singing and listening to music

Work Experience


All my mod work is voluntary


Open minded, quick to learn, enjoy working in teams, appreciate good art, believe heavily in constructive criticism

Artistic Skills

Pencil drawing, digital drawing, digital painting

Technical Skills

Material compositing, rendering, painting material bitmaps (normal, specular, ambient occlusion etc)


I like to look within implied space, to think of space and how it can be filled, I like to design patterns and shapes


I like dissonant harmonies with simple but layered melodies, with offbeat irregular time signatures


Never invented anything, but I would like to think I am reinventing my art style all the time

Design Skills

Design wise, I like anything intricate, small details, being founded by large strange ones. I have a love for alternative colours, I rarely use Primary colours and tend to go for inbetween shades, teals, oranges, maroon

Project Management skills

Managing a project isn’t really my forte’, at this stage I have a “when it’s done” philosophy in mind, but I do always manage to get my work done on time and to quality

Time management skills

Time management, I’m fairly steady in, but I need to learn to work faster, physically

People management skills

I can deal with people easily, but only if they can handle my direction

Levels of expertise in which software packages

Photoshop: I’d like to think very advanced, knowing much about perfectly creating great realistic, yet stylised matte paintings. 3d programs, I am quite a novice, but only in the modelling and animation sides of things. Materials and rendering, I am intermediate


Guitar, drawing, ability to learn quickly, multitasking

Maturity level

I would like to think I am quite mature in mind, but I act openly eager to people to make them feel more comfortable around me


I find it difficult at times to initiate conversation, being a visual person, I get very frustrated with myself if I look like a dogs breakfast on occasion

Type of Intelligence

I believe I’m as intelligent as I’ve been allowed to be.

“I believe…….”

(personal motto or core belief)

I believe the world isn’t as complicated as we all see, that we the people are all one and share a collective unconscious, the real god is the mind and we are merely a dream experiencing ourselves subjectively